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land locked adj.1.(湖等被陸地包圍著的) (a land lo...

land lordism

Uganda is a land locked country , situated in east africa . it shares its borders with the countries of kenya in the east , sudan in the north , democratic republic of congo in the west , tanzania in the south . uganda is crossed by the equator at mid southerly level 烏干達是東非的一個內陸國家,東部與肯尼亞為鄰,北向蘇丹,西臨剛果共和國,南倚坦桑尼亞,而赤道橫過中部稍南處,國家面共197 , 097平方公里,人口達22 , 210 , 000 , 1962年10月脫離英國獨立。